1st Responders

What is a first responder?
A first responder is a person with specialized training who is among the first to arrive and provide assistance or incident resolution at the scene of an emergency. First responders typically include law enforcement officers (commonly known as police officers), paramedics, emergency medical technicians, and firefighters. In some jurisdictions, emergency department personnel, such as doctors and nurses, are also required to respond to disasters and critical situations, designating them first responders; in other jurisdictions, military and security forces may also be authorized to act as first responders.
A certified first responder is an individual who has received certification to provide pre-hospital care in a certain jurisdiction. A community first responder is a person dispatched to attend medical emergencies until an ambulance arrives. A wilderness first responder is trained to provide pre-hospital care in remote settings who has skills relevant to ad hoc patient care and transport by non-motorized means. Public Works departments are also recognized as First Responders as they are generally called to clean up natural disasters, plow snow and maintain roads as well as provide rescue support in extreme weather scenarios.
-Wikipedia contributors. (2023, December 31). First responder. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22:06, January 21, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=First_responder&oldid=1192835749
For more information about First Responders and points of interest visit:
Armed Services Benefits Association at: https://www.afba.com/uncategorized/the-history-of-the-first-responder/
National EMS Memorial at: https://www.emsmemorial.org/ems-history
U.S. Department of Commerce at: https://www.commerce.gov/news/blog/2022/10/honoring-our-nations-first-responders
Our home town hero’s at: http://newwashington.info/new-washington-police-department/